Friday, 2 December 2011

An Overview Of The Most Common Cases Of Viruses And Fever In Children


One of the most common things that you can expect to happen to children every year is that they are going to get sick. In spite of all the precautions we take, it's going to happen and as a parent, it is always a good idea to be as educated as you can about viruses and fever and how to treat them.

Colds and Flu
While a cold may just be stuffy noses and sore throats, it does not always have a fever accompanying it. The flu, on the other hand, is one of the most prevalent cases of fever with a virus, sometimes causing symptoms well beyond just a sore throat or an upset stomach. Flu shots given by your pediatrician can help but always ask for advice on any other medicines. The flu virus is known to mutate and change, yearly, so if you suspect that your child has the flu, please see your pediatrician for advice.
Stomach Flu
This is caused by a virus that will attack the intestinal tract, causing it to swell in a painful way. This will lead your child to experience fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and some abdominal pain. Having the stomach virus with fever is worrisome and you should take your child to see the doctor for appropriate treatment. Most often, the only thing you can do is to keep your child hydrated, while their body fights off the infection.
Ear Infections
Of all the potential viruses and fever illnesses out there, nothing is more heartbreaking to a parent than an ear infection. If your child is crying more than usual, has difficulty sleeping or is constantly pulling on their ears, it is quite likely that they may be experiencing an ear infection. Please bring them in for examination as soon as possible, because, like the stomach flu, every case is different and the treatment plan will vary.
Want to know more about viruses and fever? The caring professionals at Pediatric Partners have been treating the symptoms of virus in children for years, and want nothing more than to get your child back on the road to health. Call them today. Also check out our new page on Viruses And Fever.
Pictures added by SHAS

Friday, 25 November 2011

Seven Ways to Make Sure You Age Well


Getting older can be an odd feeling. It's harder to lose weight, your joints make sounds and you start getting hot flashes--yet you still feel young and alert. What can you do to make sure that you get older and remain active and vibrant?
1. Assess your health right now. Think about how you feel. Can you hear well? Do you have back pain? Do you need to lose weight? Make a list of all your health concerns and see a doctor so that you can separate the real from fiction regarding your health.
2. Create reasonable goals for the things you'd like to change. If you need to lose weight, commit to an exercise program three or four times a week. If you want to go out more often, find groups to join. The most important thing here is to take action today instead of putting these things off into the future.
3. Update your wardrobe. This is often overlooked by people getting older, but the truth is that stylish clothing can make you feel better about yourself and help you to look better. Make sure to stay age-appropriate and get clothing that are comfortable.
4. Find out about the best diet for you. Talk to a doctor about any vitamin or mineral deficiencies you have, and consider going to a nutritionist to make sure that you are eating well. The food you eat plays a large role in how you feel and how your body functions.
5. Find an exercise program you enjoy. If you don't exercise, now is the time to start. Exercising can help you feel more positive, and it can help ease the pressures that your body is feeling. Exercise can also make your body stronger and give you more energy.
6. Get a social life. Nothing perks people up like going out with others and having a good time. Interact with mixed age groups as well as with people in your age group, so you get a variety of stimulation and activity.
7. Do things you want to do.. Want to take a trip? Want to learn how to play the guitar? Stop putting off the things you've longed to do and start doing them.
Everyone ages, but not everyone ages well. If you take the time to analyze where you are and where you want to be, you can create a life that you love even as you get older. Use these tips, and as you age you can be happier with yourself than ever before.
Pictures added by SHAS (blog Author)

Treating Allergies With Herbs

Allergies can be really uncomfortable and agonizing. Thousands of people suffer from allergies and they have to be conscious about their specific allergens all through their life to keep away from the disgusting allergy attacks. Certain food, dust, animals etc can cause allergies in certain people. Dust allergy is the most common one found among most people. Sneezing, coughing, irritations, itchy skin, etc are characteristic to allergies.

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and is found in berries, plums, broccoli, spinach, peppers and citrus fruits. Nettle is also known for its properties for healing allergies. Nettle and angelica can be used to make teas during an allergy attack. Licorice can reduce the symptoms of allergy and bring down inflammation. Chilly peppers prevent the secretion of excessive fluids and are beneficial for allergies.
Castor oil can be consumed with water or fruit juices in the morning on an empty stomach to relieve the irritations of allergy. Lime is an excellent remedy for all sorts of allergies. As a long term treatment lime juice can be taken with lukewarm water and honey in the mornings on an empty stomach. This flushes out all toxins and will improve your health factor. Vegetable juices are also beneficial for allergies. Carrots, beets and cucumber juices should be consumed at least once in a day while having allergies.
Gingko biloba is an antihistamine and also has anti-inflammatory properties. This is a wonderful herb in the treatment of allergies, especially asthma. Reishi mushrooms also have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties to fight asthma and other allergies. Chamomile tea can reduce the duration of hay fever. Ephedra can relieve congestions and bronchial spasms. Eucalyptus can be used for steam inhalation that relieves congestion and will release the secretions. Eyebright can reduce the symptoms of hay fever. Ginger has antimicrobial properties and can also reduce inflammation. A hot ginger tea can be soothing and comforting during an allergy attack. St.john's wort is helpful in reducing sinus headaches.
Purple coneflower is an immunity enhancing herb and is used in the treatment of allergies. This herb can give long term results if taken regularly. Garlic is an antiviral and helps relieve the irritations of allergy. Cinnamon also has antihistamine properties and can be used during allergies to reduce the symptoms and duration. Drinking a hot peppermint tea can also be relaxing and soothing. Parsley can help release the body's antihistamines and hence can stimulate the fight against allergies. Elder flowers are used in the treatment of hay fever and can also relieve bronchial irritations. Rosemary can relieve asthma and allergies.
The first step in treating allergies is identifying your allergen and staying away from it. Develop a positive attitude towards everything around you and incorporate a habit of praying and being thankful for your blessings.
Sherlock Danielly is well know for his knowledge in herbal remedies. He used to travel and collect new herbal remedies for common health problems. He explains herbal remedies used in China, India, Arab and United States for most common ailments. He found many precious herbs and its magical herbal remedies.
Pictures added by SHAS

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Benefits Of Moroccan Oil

By  HK Ng

Moroccan oil has become extremely popular in recent years due to its proven remedial properties. Many cosmetic products currently contain this wonderful oil as the key ingredient because of it is exceptionally high in antioxidants and regenerative properties that can reduce wrinkles, reduce scars and stretch marks, protect the skin from free radicals, nourish itchy scalp, and repair brittle and dry hair.

Moroccan oil is extracted from the kernels of the Argan Tree in Morocco. Argan trees are organically grown in hot and dry climate. No pesticides or synthetic fertilizers are utilized. The entire extraction process is performed by a women's cooperative in the Berber tribe. Extracting oil from the Argan kernels was in the past very laborious but today it is mainly extracted by machines instead of by traditional approach. The quality depends whether it had been press or solvent extracted. Solvent extraction requires the usage of solvent chemicals which reduces the good properties of the oil.

Moroccan Oil
Moroccan oil comprises 80% unsaturated fatty acids, mainly 45% Oleic acid and 35% Linoleic acid. It has an abundance of Vitamin E which helps reduce sun damage and reduces premature wrinkles. Polysterol compounds are also found which are known to reduce scars and stretch marks. It is natural and nontoxic to reduce scars, stretch marks and prevent stretch marks. There are also anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that are certainly beneficial for people with acne, eczema as well as psoriasis.

Most anti-aging beauty products contain manufactured chemical compounds for added texture and to prolong the shelf life of the product. 100% Moroccan oil is organic and does not contain harmful additives and preservatives. Subsequently, there are no negative side effects or health concerns associated to Moroccan oil. It is enriched with natural occurring antioxidants which have been safe and good for you.

Moroccan oil is lightweight and is non-greasy. It can be used on the skin, hair and nails. It is terrific for those who suffer from dry skin. Be cautious for people with oily skin and acne mainly because it contains oleic acid which might clog pores. Moroccan oil is clinically proven to restore dry, brittle or nails and hair. The nutrients are penetrated into the hair and nails to repair from the inside. It is also great for dry or itchy scalp. For best result, leave the oil on the scalp for at the very least half hour before washing out.

The important thing to look for when buying products is the ingredients label. Because the Argan trees are grown without use of pesticides or any sort of dangerous chemicals, Moroccan oil is considered to be as organic. Some products contain added fragrances, colors, petroleum byproducts, and other synthetic chemicals so you should be extra cautious whenever buying. Choosing a product that contains only natural ingredients isn't only healthier for you, you will get optimal result.

Prices for Moroccan oil varies depending on the brand and quality. The range is on average $7-$40. The cheaper types are most likely composed of solvent-extracted oil and other synthetic ingredients. Just because it is organic doesn't mean that it may be more expensive. This is because you are paying for the brand and packaging of the product. For the best results, choose 100% pure Moroccan oil.

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Friday, 18 November 2011

Living A Healthy Life - The Secret We All Need to Know

By  Lisa Tristram

The common theme that crops up again and again is often portrayed as the secret to living a healthy life is how the person thinks. I cannot emphasise enough that it doesn't honestly matter what you DO if what you THINK is truly what is standing in your way.

I was listening to an audio by one of my favourite authors and teachers Wayne Dyer, this morning. What he said is honestly what every good teacher will tell you if you will listen and that is " Your thoughts form your reality". And so it follows that you think healthy thoughts and you will have a healthier life.

Sounds simple doesn't it? And it is, BUT, and this is a huge BUT! This cannot be achieved without knowing the one big secret that will sabotage you every time! I hope that I am being emphatic here because this is what makes the difference. And that secret is BELIEF .

If you do not believe what you are thinking then it won't make any difference to the general health of your life and your lifestyle. I have seen so many times people doing affirmations, trying so hard to change their life, incorporating every diet, philosophy, and new concept trend or idea in order to make their life better and they don't make any difference to their external life. And that is truly because they don't necessarily believe in what they are doing.

Action is important for sure and if we don't take action steps to better our health then we will not end up with the healthy balanced body we desire but what is going on underneath is so much more important. I have seen this in people with cancer and terminal diseases. They start on a program or diet to turn their life around and get back on the track to complete health. And for some people it works, they get better, they survive traumatic treatments and surgeries and mange to regain their health. The key though is that it is not just about what they DO and quite frankly if it was about that then anyone with an illness could just do the same and everyone would get the same result. But they don't and the difference is not really in the action but in the belief behind the action.

Think of it this way - when a cell is dividing in the womb and forming a foetus does it question its own actions? does it think " I am just not sure how to do this thing called developing?" No - there is simply a belief system underlying that KNOWS it will develop as it should. Or perhaps the apple tree growing from an apple seed. Does the apple seed worry that if it does the wrong thing it won't eventually turn into apple tree - not at all! It simply creates based on the belief that an apple seed does ultimately turn into an apple tree.

So to use this analogy to help us in the idea of creating a healthier life, the best way to think of it is this - we can stand in our own way by worrying that we don't know what to do, how to be healthy, what to eat, what to avoid etc Or we can simply change our perspective by changing the thoughts and things we focus on so that we can tap into our innate BELIEF that we are healthy! It is our natural state of being,but it cannot happen unless we first believe that is the case. Work on what you believe about yourself and your life and you will find amazing things happen. The right resources will simply be there to assist you on your path to a healthy life and you won't even necessarily know how they got in front of you. It is all about trust - trusting yourself and the universe we live in and knowing that if you look after your mind and your belief then the action will follow.

Get out of your own way and stop worrying about how it will happen and focus on what is going on in your life right now. I guarantee that the less you worry about the HOW and the more you look at your current life as a reflection of what you actually believe, the closer you will come to your own answer of how to live a healthier and more peaceful life.

Lisa loves to share her most valuable resources to help you design the life you choose. After over 10 years in the Health Wellness and Spa Industry in Australia she has a wealth of resources which it is her aim to share with as many people as she can and teach people how to create exactly what they want in life.
 For more information visit or

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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

3 Tips To Prevent Cold and Flu - Not What You Expected

By  D C Rona

Articles on how to prevent a cold and how to prevent the flu are everywhere. Everyone has advice on vitamins, nutrition, rest, and hydration. Hand washing and sneezing into your sleeve are foremost in everyone's conversation. However there are even more tricks - some of which you may have never heard before.

Think of your body as having to deal with irritants on a constant - day to day basis. If you are in great health, you can deal with a few irritants easily. If you are under stress, the irritants become stressors in themselves. By finding ways to reduce these irritants, you can significantly enhance your immune reactions - allowing the body to react and heal as it was designed to do.

Tip 1 - Clean your sinuses. Well, you clean your hands and you brush your teeth - but have you cleaned your sinuses today? Our sinuses are 4 paired cavities inside the skull with a very big job. As we inhale air, the sinuses act as filters, taking out the pollutants in the air such as pollen, dust, germs, etc. they also humidify the air so that by the time it gets to the lungs, the air is ready to be exposed to the membranes that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. If you use a vacuum cleaner with a bag, think of the sinuses as that bag. Now just think how much junk they accumulate in a day.

Well functioning sinuses are one of our best defenses against cold and flu viruses, so we want to have then performing at tip top capacity. One way of doing that is by using a neti pot. These typically look like little Aladin's lamps and are filled with water and a pinch of salt - then the water is allowed to run through the sinuses and out into the sink. It really is easy, and it works well.

Tip 2 - Clean your hair. Just imagine through the day how many particles of dust, dirt and pollutants sticks to your hair (and yes, this includes eye brows and facial hair such as mustaches or beards). If you do not wash your hair before going to bed, the accumulation of the day will, by force of gravity, fall to your pillow. I don't know about you, but my face is turning all over that pillow through the night. So the simple effort to clean your hair before bedtime will prevent your eyes, nose and mouth from taking in those pollutants for 8 hours or so that you sleep.

Tip 3 - Clean your bedroom. Sound like something your mother would tell you? Remember the hours of sleep are the most effective portions of the healing cycle. If you add irritants to your bedroom, it is like trying to clean a car in a sand storm. First, make sure your mattress and pillows are clean and fresh. It is surprising how many people will sleep on 10 year old pillows where the stuffing comes out as dust. Second, check to make sure the fabrics in the room are not accumulating and holding lint, pollen, dead skin cells, etc. And last - try a good filter to keep the air in the bedroom extra clean. You will be amazed at what a difference this can make.

Very simple steps can allow your body's immune system to function the way it was designed.

As a natural health professional (ND and PhD in nutrition), I've helped individuals and families on their path to healing and health. There are steps you can take to reduce irritants and allergens in your life. Reducing irritants is of course a major part in healing - but also a major component of prevention. I have put together a number of webpages on the resources that are helpful in this process, and have more in the works. Please visit Cold and Flu Season Quick Tips and the links contained therein. Visit often since this material is being updated frequently.

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Pictures added by SHAS 

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Your Weight Loss Diet

By  Rob WH Harris

Weight watchers, don't fear; weight loss diets are here! Losing weight has been made easy by the different weight loss methods that have been introduced, including diets. Diets make it easier for people to reduce fat and weight without tiring themselves out with arduous exercises. This is why a lot of people prefer to diet and simply cut back on fattening food to get thinner and lighter.

Weight loss diet programs come in a variety of forms, so people who are trying to lose weight will not find it hard to find a diet routine that they can easily conform to. A popular weight loss diet is the low-carbohydrate diet that lessens a person's calorie intake. Most foods that contain carbohydrates have high amounts of calories. These calories may be converted into fats when not utilized and burned. In low-carb diets, the consumption of calories is being regulated by requiring the weight loser to eat foods that are low in carbs or to consume fewer servings of carbohydrate-rich foods. This kind of fat loss diet usually consists of dairy products, like milk and cheese, and does not constitute carbohydrate foods such as rice, bread, and potatoes. The diet promotes weight loss by satisfying a person's hunger with food that is heavy on the stomach.

The liquid diet is also one of the fads in dieting nowadays. People who undergo this weight loss diet have to regularly drink beverages that raise their energy levels and reduce their appetite and cravings. Weight loss drinks have properties that can make people feel full for several hours. Consequently, they would not tend to eat much after drinking the beverages. In addition, energy levels increase upon consumption of these weight loss liquids, prompting people to move and go around a lot and burning unwanted fats. Liquid diets are usually recommended to people who are excessively overweight and those who have just undergone a weight loss surgery.

Another weight loss diet that many weight watchers stick to is the vegetarian diet. Aside from contributing to weight reduction, the vegetarian diet actually promotes good health. This diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables. These components are high in vitamins and fiber that aid in digestion and cleanse the stomach. This fat loss diet also follows a "no-meat" rule, so a vegetarian can get his daily dose of protein from tofu or nuts. Many people are fond of vegetarian diets because these effectively enable them to slim down. At the same time, this kind of diet makes the body and skin very healthy. It also prevents the risk of developing deficiencies, as the diet's main components have all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

With weight loss programs, people who want to reduce weight need not worry anymore. They will surely realize that achieving their dream figure is actually easy. There are a huge number of diet programs to choose from, so you will be sure to find one that you will enjoy in the long run. With these diets, you will be less than a step away to becoming slim and getting the gorgeous body you desire.

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Pictures added by SHAS (blog author)

Fish Oil And The Immune System

By  Virginia Brookins-Brown

Autoimmune diseases occur when there is a problem in the immune system which causes the body to attack and destroy healthy tissue within the body itself. Somehow the messages within the body become distorted and cause this self destruction. When the system works optimally, all is well and the body functions as it should.

When things work as intended the body's white blood cells guard against harmful attacks by dangerous matter (antigens). Those matters could be bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, or blood from another source, any number of things. This is how the body works properly and begins to develop antibodies that will attack and kill the harmful invasive substances. This is all the amazing ways our bodies aid in keeping us healthy.

Now, when an autoimmune disorder enters the picture the immune system is unable to identify whether matter is healthy tissue or antigens. What happens then is an immune response which begins destroying normal body tissue. In other words, a harmful allergic reaction occurs and the destruction begins. All of this causes various degrees of inflammation.

Researchers, in various studies, discovered that Eskimos in Greenland have very low occurrences of the various autoimmune diseases. Oddly, these people ingest huge amounts of fish oil in their regular diets. Many believe that fish oil or fish oil supplements fight against autoimmune problems. Therefore, it is understandable that the Eskimos would have very low numbers of arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, and high blood pressure, problems just to name a few. All of these diseases are caused by the onset of autoimmune system problems,

Current scientific belief is that by adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet will cause decreases in autoimmune diseases among the general population. This in turn has given researchers and physicians hope that by adding fish and/or fish oil supplements to the daily diets of patients with autoimmune problems might help decrease the incidence of autoimmune disease, decrease the need for prescribing drugs that often have debilitating side effects, not to mention are expensive and require the strict oversight by a physician because of the many side effects of those medications.

There may even be a genetic link that could cause autoimmune diseases which could make it more likely a person would be suitable to them.

Since ingesting fish and/or fish oil supplements fights inflammation, it would seem that adding these supplements to your diet could have a very positive effect on the body; especially if you are suffering from one of the autoimmune disorders.

Always check with your primary health care provider before adding any supplement to your diet.

Virginia takes a keen interest in all maters relating health and fitness. She also does research in the areas of natural dietary supplements.

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Pictures added by SHAS (Blog author)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Prostate Cancer Stages and Treatments

By  Nancy Stonecutter

The prostate is a chestnut shaped gland located in men under the bladder in front of the rectum. Prostate cancer occurs when cells within the prostate grow out of control, creating tumors. It is the leading cause of cancer in American men. The risk of getting prostate cancer increases with age. Over 700,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed worldwide each year. For early stages of prostate cancer, signs and symptoms are usually not evident. Prostate cancer is rare in men under 50, but those with a family history should get checked regularly.

In order to confirm cancer stages in the prostate, a biopsy must be performed. If the biopsy confirms that cancer exists, the next step is to know what stage the cancer is in. The prostate cancer stage will help determine the best course of treatment to take. Various tests are done to determine if the cancer has spread, including imaging and blood tests. The clinical stage uses results fro the digital rectal exam, trans-rectal ultrasound or needle biopsy.

A common staging system used for prostate cancer is the TNM system. This means T-Tumor, N-Nodes and M-Metastasize. First, the size and extent of the primary tumor is described/measured. Then checks are done to see of the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or metastasized elsewhere.

In the T stages (T1-T4) the cancer is rated from 0 to 4 depending on evidence of the cancer being localized in the prostate gland and surrounding areas. For T-0, there is no evidence of a primary tumor in the prostate. T-1 (a, b, or c) shows a tumor in the prostate, with a less than 5%, b greater than 5% and c -there is evidence of a tumor as identified by a needle biopsy. For T-2 stages, the tumor is confined within the prostate. In the T2a stag, the tumor affects one-half or less of one lobe, In the T2b stage, the tumor affects more than half of one lobe but not both lobes. For T2c, the tumor affects both lobes. When the tumors are confined to the prostate in stages T1-T2, the disease usually has cure rates of 90% or higher.

T3a stage indicates the tumor has extended beyond the prostate capsule. Stage T3b, the tumor has invaded the seminal vesicle. For stage T4, the tumor has invaded surrounding areas.

One of the best treatments for prostate cancer (T1 and T2 stages and some T3 cases) is High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, since the cure rate is very high, but it is non-surgical and non-invasive, so side effects are minimal. Speak to your urologist about HIFU and other forms of treatment if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. HIFU is particularly suited to younger men (50-75) who don't want the risk of impotency and incontinence generally associated with prostate cancer surgery. For more information, you can view the website, as they are the oldest and most popular HIFU clinic in North America, and provide a wealth of information on options, stages and research.

Nancy Stonecutter is a nurse who writes about family and child care. Visit her blog at for more information.

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Pictures added by SHAS blog author

Best Anti Aging Fruits

By  Mich Ching

Many people want to age gracefully. Most of us want to preserve our youthful appearance because we want to look as young and pretty as long as we can. This is why most people rely on all sorts of anti aging treatments and products such as anti aging creams that cost an immense amount of money just to help their skin appear youthful. But did you know that one of the best, and not to mention, one of the cheapest ways to achieve that healthy youthful skin is by starting on the inside. As cliche-ish as it may sound, one's diet really goes a long way. Eating green leafy veggies may turn off some people so eating fruits with anti aging properties is a good way to start.

The darker the fruit, the better it is for the skin. Studies have shown that the nutritional value of dark fruits, or black fruits is great for the skin. These fruits include grape seeds, dark berries such as blueberries and blackberries, black grapes, blackcurrants, and mulberries.

1. Grape Seeds. Grape seeds are rich in resveratrol, tannin and flavonoids which are natural antioxidants. These antioxidants effectively help in tightening the skin. Grape seeds are quite unpleasant to the taste though because of its bitterness. You can drink wine as an alternative wherein both the grapes and the seeds are mixed together.

2. Dark Berries. Dark colored berries are oozing with health-giving antioxidants. As a matter of fact, it is actually one of the foods richest in antioxidants. If you eat berries, you will be releasing those antioxidants into your body where they can work to help reverse the damage of time.

3. Black Grapes. These dark-colored grapes are rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C. Black grapes also contain large amounts of amino acids so not only is it good for the skin, but for our overall health as well.

4. Blackcurrant. This dark fruit has very high levels of vitamin C and good levels of potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B5. Blackcurrant oil on the other hand is known for its anti-dryness and anti-inflammatory properties. This is why some people use blackcurrant oil topically on the face to treat acne and other skin problems.

5. Mulberries. Mulberries are rich in minerals and other nutrients such as vitamins and amino acids. When taken internally, mulberries could help in increasing the body's metabolism. A higher metabolism helps speed up skin cell reproduction. When skin cell reproduction is increased, new cells are generated to replace the old ones in a much faster rate hence, the skin would appear younger and rejuvenated.

In search for the best anti aging solution in the market? The Facial Skincare Device (FSD) from Radiancy is a highly effective skin care device that targets the signs of aging on the skin such as sagging skin. It smooths and evens out the skin tone making the skin look and feel healthier and younger.

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Pictures added by SHAS blog author

Reach Your Fitness Goals Following These Tips

By  Wendy Lambert

The definition of fitness is being physically sound and healthy. When individuals achieve a solid level of fitness, it not only helps them physically but mentally as well. If you are someone who is struggling to get back into shape, read the following article to learn about ways to improve your level of fitness.

Dips are one of the best exercises you can do for both your triceps and your chest. Perform dips by keeping your elbows in and your back straight as you dip down. Lean forward to get more of a chest workout and stay as straight as possible to isolate your triceps.

Standing arm curls are a great exercise for your arm muscles. To get a full range of muscle workout, flex while lifting. At the end of each repetition, straighten your arms completely by flexing your triceps. Flexing will ensure your muscles are worked through the entire range of motion.

Cut your running schedule in half occasionally. Overdoing it is never a good idea for your body, so every few months, take an entire week to halve your running schedule. You will give your body ample time to recover without losing any of the endurance or speed you gained earlier.

Drink water before, during and after your workout. Water is the single most important substance for human beings and is required by every cell in your body. It's crucial to stay hydrated. Not only that, but during a workout, your cells can create a lot of waste products. Water helps flush those toxins from your system.

Keep track of your walking throughout the day. You would be surprised at how many steps you take or don't take. Set a daily goal, and stick to it. Ideally, you should take about 10,000 steps each day. At the end of the day, write down the number of steps you took, and if you didn't achieve your goal, write down why.

A great tip for standing arm curls is to completely straighten your arms on the down stroke by flexing your triceps. Not only does this ensure that you are working your bicep throughout its entire range of motion, it has the added benefit of working your tricep with one exercise.

The best way to increase the effectiveness of your bicep curls is to bend your wrist backward and keep it that way during the exercise. Because your biceps have to work harder than they would if your wrist was curled in, you will develop the muscle faster and get better results.

As the above article demonstrates, it is possible to achieve a solid level of fitness in which you can be proud. You do not have to be ashamed at how badly you are out of shape any longer. Follow these pieces of advice, and you will be on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

Wendy Lambert invites you to sign up for her free report "45 Fantastic Ways to Burn Calories" at Weight Loss for Moms, a website dedicated to helping Moms (and all women) lose weight in a healthy way.

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Pictures added by SHAS blog author

Orthodontic Dental Insurance

By  Jennifer Bailey

Dental insurance is intended to cover a portion of your dental treatment charges. Most dental patients are not well informed about the facility of dental insurance. Even health and human service specialists do not fully understand dental insurance policies.

The amount of coverage you are offered depends on your contract with the insurance company. What your dental insurance company pays depends on many factors including deductibles, maximum allowable benefits, substitution clauses, and exclusion clauses.

Orthodontic dental insurance will cover a part of your orthodontic treatment expenses. Orthodontics generally deals with the corrective surgeries and treatments required to correct deformities of teeth arrangements. Treatments that involve orthodontics are quite expensive.

Atlanta Dental Group and Pacific Dental Insurance are some of the leading insurance companies that cover orthodontic dental insurances.

Orthodontic dental insurance is intended to cover both routine as well as not-so-routine dental works. Dentistry involving dental implants, root canal treatments, and orthodontic braces can get to be quite expensive.

Orthodontic dental insurance will enable you to take care of all your dental problems as they arise. This also covers oral surgery for recessed gums or the removal of wisdom teeth. If your teeth need to be re-aligned for health reasons, then the cost falls under orthodontic dental insurance.

Some of the plans of orthodontic dental insurance will not cover cosmetic surgery procedures, as they are not health related. But some orthodontic dental insurance plans do cover a part of the expenses.

It is always wise decision to take up orthodontic dental insurance policies as these treatments cost you a lot more than regular dental procedures. These policies will help you save a lot of money. You can show the policies to the physicians and get your treatments done.

Though most of the insurance companies offer orthodontic insurance policies for all ages, there are some companies that will limit treatments to patients up to the ages of 19 or 21.

With dental insurance, all you need to worry about is making your regular trips to the dentist. You can have your teeth taken care of without worrying too much about the cost; your dental insurance will cover it.

Dental Insurance [] provides detailed information on Affordable Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance Companies, Dental Insurance Plans and more. Dental Insurance is affiliated with California Auto Insurance Comparisons.

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Pictures added by SHAS

How to beat the beginning of aging

By: mikestout85

As you grow older it is only natural for your skin to start loosing elasticity and begin developing fine lines. However this development is different for everyone.

 Depending on your dietary habits, physical activity and you genes, some of us age more than others.

 What prompts aging? 

 Aging is a natural process which normally happens when Human Growth Hormone levels managed by your pituitary gland begin to fall. Unable to maintain the same level of cell development and replication, drops in HGH development can cause your skin to sink, lines to develop, your energy to decline, and your muscles to lose definition.

 Natural anti-aging solutions 

If you genuinely want to fight the signs of aging and benefit from healthier, youthful looking skin, there are lots of techniques you can use to help you remove those annoying little wrinkles without having to have surgery.


Anti-aging oils filled with antioxidants, vitamins E, An or C, retinoic acid or fruit acids are renowned for assisting you to eliminate the signs of wrinkles and offer you youthful looking skin.

However, trials by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine has recently revealed that these oils cannot prevent your skin from sagging or sinking despite the benefits they can give your skin.

Human Growth Hormone Products

Varying from injections to tablets to sprays to releasers, trials have found that growth hormone therapy is the only anti-aging treatment that can make users look considerably younger.

However even in this area, depending on the way these HGH products are taken some work better than others.

Let us explain:

. HGH Injections - made from the synthetic HGH hormone somatropin, HGH injections are not only cost a lot ($20,000 a year) but are assosciated with a lot of dangers.

The problem occurs because your body acknowledges the somatropin as a foreign hormone. Consequently, these injections trigger a numerous negative side effects: heart attacks, liver damage, kidney damage and severe allergic reactions.

. HGH Releasers - easily the safest most reliable HGH solution, HGH releasers work by naturally stimulating HGH production within your pituitary gland. As your HGH levels rise you will see a reduction in wrinkles, better muscle toning, stronger immunity, a faster metabolism and faster fat loss.

. HGH Pills - despite their simplicity, the health benefits contained within these pills is always lost before it is given a chance to work as it is broken down in your stomach.

Which can offer you the most benefits?

From creams to injections to tablets, the safest way to beat aging is to use organic HGH releasers such as HGH Advanced, that can quickly and effectively restart your pituitary gland without making you use artificially created hormones.

100% organic and available without a need for prescription HGH Advanced has been discovered through thorough scientific studies to fight the causes of aging without prompting any negative side effects. And backed by a 180 day refund policy, should you find after 3 months it has not produced any results, HGH Advanced will give you an extra 90 days to get a refund - meaning you will not waste your money.

 Article Source: Articles island - Free article submission and free reprint articles
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Sunday, 13 November 2011

Tips to Staying Healthy

By  June Owensboro

There is always an article that comes out that lists the things that you need to do in order to stay healthy. These things are always changing. It seems that the only things that stay consistent are that you need to exercise and eat healthy. While these things are important, there is more to staying healthy than just physical changes you can do. This is my off beat list of a few other things in life that can help keep you healthy. It is important to live healthy in all areas. Nobody wants to think about not being around anymore, but if you follow these tips you can at least live the best life possible.

Surround yourself with family and friends. Having connections with people is important to everyone's emotional state. I am not saying that you have to go out and befriend every person that you meet. That would be insane. However you should have people in your life that are a positive influence in your life, people that lift you up and people that you have shared interests with. Think about how it is hard sometimes to not have plans on a Friday. What if this was the case everyday forever? You have to make a conscious effort to let people in and allow the relationships to mature. After all love makes the world go round.

Speaking of the world, get out there and see it. I believe that traveling is one of the most important things that you can do in your life. You can go and experience how other people live. Learn how they talk, what they eat, and their customs. We are all different and that's what makes it exciting. When you travel, you open yourself up to new experiences and you have a different outlook on the world around you.

Read. This is so important. Our nation has a growing problem with literacy and its sad. When you read you are able to educate yourself and even discover different people and places. When you read a great book you completely transform your mind and are entranced by what you are reading. Reading helps you build your vocabulary and learn about things that you might not have learned otherwise. I have a rule of thumb, for every fiction book I buy I also buy a nonfiction book. I love biographies and books about different cultures.

Another great way to stay healthy is get out there and volunteer. There are always people that need help and places always need extra hands to manage it. You can always put your life in better prospective when you are able to hear about someone else's. Helping people is just good for the soul.

Like I said these aren't your conventional tips to stay healthy. I wanted to explore things outside of the physical healthy range. Emotional health is just as important if not more than physical healthy. When you are healthy on the inside then it shows. It's all about getting out there and connecting with the world around you. So get up, get out, and live a long and healthy life.

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