Sunday, 30 October 2011

Importance of Vitamins in our daily life

By : jay

The vitamins and minerals are called micro-nutrients because the body only needs small amounts of them every day.
Vitamins are organic compounds that perform very special in the body called catalytic and function as co-enzymes or control of certain metabolic reactions.
All are important and necessary in the diet and are classified as fat-soluble and water soluble.
The group that contains more vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables up.
Vitamins are necessary for all body parts work well, for forming the blood, hair, nails and skin and to prevent disease.
Most vitamins are named by letters: A, B, C, D, E, H, K, P, T, U and vitamin B are added numbers to distinguish them from each other. So we have vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12.

Vitamin A or Retinol
It is used for bone development, functioning of all tissues, prevents respiratory diseases, improves vision and prevents cancer;
Its lack causes: Pain in joints, decreased vision, ease of getting infections, dry eyes, retarded growth.
Comes in :carrots, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, cantaloupe, celery, mandarin, blackberry, pear, melon, butter, cheese, fish, liver.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamin
Used to, control mood and humor, helps the nervous system, promotes memory and concentration, helps growth, aids digestion of fats and sugars.
Its lack causes: Laziness, bad temper, poor school performance and labor, depression, memory loss and concentration and a disease called beriberi.
Comes in : wheat germ, spinach, rice, avocado, olives, cherry, plum, guava, papaya, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin, onion, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, tomato, carrot, chile, parsley, pepper, oats , bacon, pork, bread and milk.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin
Allows for proper growth, maintain healthy skin, nails, hair and mucous membranes and to improve vision.
Its lack causes: Inflammation at the corners of the mouth and tongue, skin problems, sore throat, anemia or lack of red blood cells.
Comes in: green vegetables, oats, legumes. liver, milk, cheese, eggs, fish.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin
Serves to preserve the cells, aids in the production of substances needed by the body, maintains healthy skin, aids in digestion.
Its lack causes: Skin problems, stomach pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and fatigue.
Comes in: Meat, fish, peanuts, wheat germ and flour, corn, red pepper, green leafy vegetables, melon, mango, milk, cheese, eggs.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid
It helps convert fats and sugars into energy, to form cells for growth, heal wounds and prevent fatigue.
Its lack causes: Skin problems and ulcers in the blood and intestine;
Comes in: All meats and vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
Help growth, to make antibodies and red blood cells, prevents nervous and skin, helps in the formation of other vitamins.
Its lack causes: Nervousness, weakness, skin problems.
Comes in: Avocados, potatoes, bananas, nuts, legumes, liver, chicken, cod, salmon, cheese, eggs.

Vitamin B8 or Biotin, also called Vitamin H
Serves to transform the fats and proteins, prevents baldness and gray hair, muscle aches and rashes controls, helps you sleep well and stay in good spirits.
Its lack causes: Laziness, moodiness, depression, nausea and loss of appetite.
Comes in: Liver, nuts, peanut butter, beans, egg yolk, cauliflower.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid
It serves for the formation of DNA, is much needed growth, increases breast milk protects against intestinal parasites and poisoning. It is highly recommended during pregnancy.
Its lack causes anemia and malformations in the fetus during pregnancy.
Comes in: green vegetables, oranges, nuts, fortified cereals, liver, mushrooms, fruit and fruit juices.

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin
Serves to regenerate the bone marrow and red blood cells, helps the nervous system, improves memory, preserved in positive mood, help during menstruation.
Its lack causes: Anemia; brain damage, depression and memory loss.
Comes in: Red meats, fish, chicken, egg, milk, cheese, yogurt.

Vitamin B13 or orotic acid
Used to prevent liver problems and premature aging.
Its lack causes:It is not clear that its lack causes problems.
Comes in carrots, turnips, radishes and onions.

Vitamin B15
Serves to facilitate the absorption of oxygen, helps to build defenses, protect the liver, lowers blood cholesterol, relieves asthma, protects against pollutants.
Its lack causes: glandular and nervous disorder, heart disease and lack of oxygen in tissues.
Comes in yeast, pumpkin seeds and whole grains.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid
Allows for growth, repair of tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth, protects against infectious diseases and cancer, aids in wound healing, prevents colds and respiratory illnesses.
Its lack causes: Bleeding, swollen gums and bad scarring.
Comes in: cauliflower, brussels sprouts, strawberries, gooseberries, kiwi, lemon, melon, orange, green pepper, turnip, tomato.

Vitamin D or Calciferol
It serves the education and care of teeth and bones, joints and helps protect the nervous system.
Its lack causes rickets and weak bones and muscles.
Comes in: fish liver oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, liver, milk, butter and egg yolk.

Vitamin E or Tocopherol:
It relieves fatigue, prevents and dissolves blood clots, protects the lungs against pollution, help to heal burn wounds, prevents cramps.
Its lack causes: destruction of red blood cells, muscle problems and anemia.
Comes in: Corn oil, safflower or sesame, avocado, broccoli, prunes, spinach, asparagus. apple, blackberry, banana, tomato, carrot.
Vitamin K or Menadione
Used to form proteins and aids blood clotting.
Its lack causes: Bleeding and blood clotting problems.
Comes in: green vegetables, carrots, fruits and seeds.

Vitamin P or Bioflavonoids
Serves well the kidneys function, prevents oxidation and bleeding.
Its lack causes anemia.
It comes in the egg yolk.

Vitamin T
Used to blood clotting.
Its lack causes: Inflammation at the corners of the mouth and tongue, skin problems, sore throat, anemia or lack of red blood cells.
Comes in: Liver, milk, cheese, eggs, green vegetables, oats, legumes.
Meningeal acid or Vitamin U
Is used to treat ulcers, aids in the functioning of the stomach and intestine, prevents heart disease and skin.
Its lack causes: Stomach ulcer
Comes in raw cabbage.

Serves to strengthen the memory and helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body.
Its lack causes: Hardening of the arteries and affects the liver.
Comes in: Wheat germ and green vegetables.

Used to cellular respiration.
Its lack causes: skin problems and frequent diarrhea.
Comes in: green vegetables, legumes, corn nixtamalized, liver, milk, cheese, eggs.

 Article Source: Articles island - Free article submission and free reprint articles

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