By Juanita Swindell
The common cold is one of the most prevalent viruses and fever illnesses of childhood. Even with all the precautions everyone takes these days, the chances of your child catching a cold is still high, mostly because children are just so loving and personable, that they cannot help touching everyone, especially their peers. While it often presents itself as a virus without fever, any low grade temperature flux should still be a concern and if it should reach 102, you should consult with your pediatrician without any further delay.
One of the most common things that you can expect to happen to children every year is that they are going to get sick. In spite of all the precautions we take, it's going to happen and as a parent, it is always a good idea to be as educated as you can about viruses and fever and how to treat them.
Colds and Flu
While a cold may just be stuffy noses and sore throats, it does not always have a fever accompanying it. The flu, on the other hand, is one of the most prevalent cases of fever with a virus, sometimes causing symptoms well beyond just a sore throat or an upset stomach. Flu shots given by your pediatrician can help but always ask for advice on any other medicines. The flu virus is known to mutate and change, yearly, so if you suspect that your child has the flu, please see your pediatrician for advice.
Stomach Flu
This is caused by a virus that will attack the intestinal tract, causing it to swell in a painful way. This will lead your child to experience fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and some abdominal pain. Having the stomach virus with fever is worrisome and you should take your child to see the doctor for appropriate treatment. Most often, the only thing you can do is to keep your child hydrated, while their body fights off the infection.
Ear Infections
Of all the potential viruses and fever illnesses out there, nothing is more heartbreaking to a parent than an ear infection. If your child is crying more than usual, has difficulty sleeping or is constantly pulling on their ears, it is quite likely that they may be experiencing an ear infection. Please bring them in for examination as soon as possible, because, like the stomach flu, every case is different and the treatment plan will vary.
Want to know more about viruses and fever? The caring professionals at Pediatric Partners have been treating the symptoms of virus in children for years, and want nothing more than to get your child back on the road to health. Call them today. Also check out our new page on Viruses And Fever.
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