Friday 30 September 2011

Water and Health

By  Justin R Douglas
Water is the life blood of every living thing in the world. Most of the earths surface is covered by water. Plants,fruits,vegetables, Animals, and Mammals need water to survive. Humans are no different. Water should be the beverage of choice for all of us. Sadly it is not. As a result some people suffer the consequences of not making significant water drinking a daily priority.

As I grew up my mother would always tell me to drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. I'm assuming she heard this somewhere. Perhaps she heard it on Oprah or one of the talk radio shows she used to listen to. I can still here her telling me to drink lots of water till this very day. At times she would not let me drink anything else until I had met my water requirements for the day. Often I would tell her I had drank enough water at the water fountain at school so I could drink kool-aid or soda. That response never worked. Most of my meals as a child were occupied by a glass of water. I'm thankful that she created the habit in me to drink water regularly because it has afforded me good health. Currently experts actually say you should drink water with meals because it helps the body feel refreshed.

Seventy percent of our body is made up of water. Half of our weight is water weight. Water aids in our internal systems working properly. Our blood and cells are mostly made up of water as well. When we don't drink enough water our bodies actually retain water. We can tell that this is happening because our urine will be dark yellow. This is the bodies way of telling us that we need to drink more water. On the contrary when our urine is light yellow or clear our body is getting rid of excess water because we are fully hydrated. You really want to stay on this end of the spectrum.

Some experts say we should drink half of our weight in ounces of water a day. If it is warm outside we should drink more water than usual. While exercising or doing strenuous activity that causes us to sweat we should drink water before during, and afterwards. If we do not do this we may become dehydrated. There are a lot of unhealthy consequences that come with dehydration such as fainting, headaches, strong smelling urine, and many more you don't want to experience.

There are many ways we can get our daily dose of water. Foods we eat such as fruits, and vegetables contain lots of water. Natural fruits, and vegetables are the best source not those that are processed in a bag or can. Many of the drinks we drink daily have lots of water in them even coffee. However, be careful not to totally depend on juice, soda and kool-aid for your hydration sources as these drinks have high sugar and calories that aren't good for the body in high doses. Pure H2O is always a pure and elite source of hydration. In addition for every serving of alcohol we drink we should drink a cup of water to subdue it because alcohol actually absorbs water.

I am aware that many people just don't like the taste of water. There are many water supplements on the market that give water flavor as well as added vitamins and minerals that are actually good for you. Personally my water flavor enhancer of choice is twist tubes by a certified organic health and wellness company. They have several flavors that help enhance immunity, joint health, and fruit and vegetable servings the body needs. The flavors range from orange to kiwi strawberry. Personally I use the immunity Kiwi strawberry flavor in place of airborne. I have found that these twist tubes give my water a delicious flavor without all the added sugar, and calories that other competing water flavoring brands give.

Really there is no excuse for not staying hydrated and drinking enough water everyday. If you are not currently drinking water I suggest you start to make this a regular routine in your life. You will feel better, and it will help your health. Your body will thank you.

Justin Douglas is a health consultant who studies various health issues, and remedies weekly. He writes blogs and articles to further assists those who he would not be able to help without the reach of the Internet. For more information about other health issues and remedies visit also Feel free to email Justin for a free consultation or questions about other certified organic health remedies and this article at

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Wednesday 28 September 2011

The Dilemma With Wearing High Heeled Shoes

By  Bruce Lashley

History of High Heeled Shoes

High heeled shoes have been historically apart of human culture. It was first documented on ancient Egyptian murals showing both men and women of royalty wearing heels for religious ceremonies and Egyptian butchers wearing them to walk above the blood of butchered animals. In Greece and Rome, heels were worn in theatrical plays to indicate social status. Regardless of its purpose, heels have been perpetually apart of daily life since ancient civilization.

Effects of High Heeled Shoes on the Body

High heels are unique compared to other footgear due to the shoes anatomy. The structure of heels changes the positioning of bone orientation in the foot and ankle, resulting in postural changes of the body.

1. Narrow toe box

The shoe covering over the toes is called a toe box. In the design of most high heels, the toe box tends to be narrow, decreasing the space inside the shoe and increasing friction between the foot and shoe. This results in increased risk of blisters and corns forming on the foot. Additionally, a narrow or pointed toe box squeezes the ball of the foot causing bones in this area to be forced closer together. This pressure increases the likelihood of irritating the nerves that run in close proximity to the bones. Constant use of heels can exacerbate nerve irritation leading to inflammation of the nerve called a neuroma. This condition is associated with a numbing or throbbing sensation at the ball of the foot and may radiate to the toes. A narrow toe box in can also aggravate bunions and hammertoe deformities.

2. Heel Cup

The covering around the heel is called a heel cup and is often very hard and rigid in high heeled shoes. Additionally, the heel cup protrudes forward into the heel resulting in friction between the back of the wearer's heel and the shoe. This increases the pressure on the back of the heel and overtime can create a bony protrusion in the area known as a "pump bump" or Haglund's deformity, which can be painful when walking in shoes.

3. High Heel

The increased heel height places the ball of the foot lower than the heel. This position of the foot and ankle is called plantarflexion. As plantarflexion increases, the foot loses its shock absorbing ability and creates increased shock applied to the foot when the shoe hits the ground. This shock wave is transmitted through joints in the foot, knee, and hip causing leg and back pain when wearing heels.

Increased plantarflexion of the foot and ankle also shortens the calf muscle. This shortening decreases the ability of the calf muscle to help lift the foot off the ground. Overtime, a shorten calf muscle can create a tight Achilles tendon, which strains the tendon and causes pain to the area when transitioning back to normal shoe gear. Additionally, heels change body posture by increasing pressure on the ball of the foot and decreasing pressure on the heel. This results in increased pressure in the knee joint and strains the knee joint tendons, leading to arthritis of the knee. Studies have shown that even moderate heel heights of 1.5 inches can significantly increase strain to the knee. By distributing body weight unevenly and causing the wearer to lean forward, heels can increase the risk of falls.

Preventing Adverse Effects of High Heeled Shoes on the Body

Statistics has shown that 35-65% of women wear heels. However, there are preventive treatments that can alleviate pain and decrease adverse effects associated with wearing heels.

1. Custom Inserts

Custom made inserts that are placed inside heels can reduce the impact force the body experiences when wearing heels. Custom inserts support the arch and heel of the foot by increasing the area of foot contact to the shoe and distributing body weight to the middle of the foot. This can relieve some of the pressure from the heel and ball of the foot. Research studies have shown that custom inserts have been clinically proven to improve comfort.

2. Stretching

As mentioned above, higher heels tend to shorten and contract muscles in the foot and shorten the Achilles tendon and calf musculature, which results in increased workload on these muscles and tendons. Therefore, stretching these areas can relieve pain and aid in more comfortable transitioning between heels to flat shoe gear. Wrapping a towel around the ball of the foot and pulling the towel towards the body stretches the bottom of the foot. It is usually recommended to hold the stretch for 30 seconds and alternating between each foot 3-4 times. A runner's stretch is often recommended to stretch the Achilles tendon. This stretch entails pushing against a wall while one foot is forward and bent and the other foot placed back and straight. The foot placed back is stretching the muscles and tendons in the back of the lower leg. This stretch again is held for 30 seconds and is alternated with the other foot 3-4 times.

3. Rotating types of shoes

Alternating between supportive athletic shoes, flats and heels can decrease the potential problems associated with wearing high-heeled shoes.

Bruce Lashley, DPM
Dr. Lashley is a podiatrist practicing in midtown Manhattan for the past 29 years. He specializes in the conservative and surgical management of the foot. In October 2009, Dr Lashley moved his office to a new modern facility at 353 Lexington Avenue, in NYC. For more information on Dr. Lashley visit his web site.
Or call 212-949-2901

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Monday 26 September 2011

Food Tips When Dealing With a Kidney Stone


Expert Author Mary BodelThere are three main types of kidney stone. Two of them can

be related to the foods you eat, making the chances for another stone higher. Knowing a bit about the causes and foods can help prevent a repeat.
Your doctor will give you a strainer if he or she thinks you will be able to "pass" the stone. Once it comes out, the doctor will have it analyzed. This will tell him or her what the primary makeup of the stone is and how to approach prevention.
Calcium Oxalate: The body produces this form of calcium, and it is found in several things we eat. A good example of a food high in calcium oxalate would be spinach. Other forms of calcium may also increase your risk. You'll have to watch such things as antacid tablets and vitamin/mineral tablets. While your body does need some of this element, too much will bring the pain and risk back..
Uric Acid: This is a waste product from a component in protein. Normally, it is filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in urine. However, if there is more than can be filtered on the first "round," it circulates again. Over time, if the amounts of uric acid remain high, it will clump into crystals. These crystals can be dropped off into the joints, causing a gout flareup. This is another very painful condition. However, it can also become large enough to remain in the kidneys.
High amounts of uric acid are not the only contributor to uric acid kidney stones. Kidney disease can also prevent all of the uric acid in the blood from being removed. This, too, leads to gout and stones. Unfortunately, it can also lead to more damage to that vital filtration system.
The foods to avoid for uric acid stones are those high in purine. Organ and processed meats are the worst offenders, but even vegetable protein sources may contain some. If you're at risk for this problem, there are many charts available that will help you choose safer proteins to avoid repeat stones.
Kidney stones are rarely fatal, but they can be. One problem that may occur is the blockage of the duct leading to the bladder. This is a life threatening condition and requires prompt medical care. If you have pain in your back that radiates around towards your abdomen, see your doctor. If the pain is severe, or you see signs of jaundice, head for the emergency room.


By Ammarah Iqbal
Dengue!!! A name of danger, striking death, horror and prevailing fever in the town today. A decade before it seemed a story of the alien’s town and people listened it through news channels and media groups.  Pakistan is on the worst alert on dengue now days. The history never witnessed a mosquito causing schools, colleges and universities to be closed for uncertain time. All government policies, strategies and precautionary measures went in vain. The hospitals are crowded and wards are rushed with the patients of the spread disease. Doctors are bewildered and medical staff is making double shifts, sacrificing their appetite and sleep for the unending arrival of patients.
A single question all around; what is dengue? How and from where it comes? This is a disease caused by a type of virus transmitted by a mosquito. Though all people face equal danger but those who have weak immunity system are likely to face more danger of it.  The other names of the fever are break bone fever and dandy fever. Though a person can have multiple attacks of the dengue but one type of dengue attacks for one time. The starting can move to the severe form of the disease and death can occur.
The symptoms of the dengue include headache, fever, joint pain, rash, bleeding gums, red palms and soles and severe pan behind the eyes are the most common symptoms of the fever. After being bitten by a mosquito, the incubation period is of three to fifteen days.  The starts of chills take place with the high rise in body temperature. The temperature may rise as high as 104 Fahrenheit. A severe pain rises from back and eyes are reddened. Instantly follows the severe sweating which lowers the body temperature. The palms and soles seem as allergic.
The diagnosis of dengue is bit difficult as its symptoms closely relate to the other diseases like West Nile and other viral illnesses. In 2011 U.S.A Food Department introduced a blood test for the confirmation of dengue. The test is carried out now for the diagnosis of dengue all around. But here again is the suspicion that the test can be positive even if a person is not having dengue but other diseases having resembled symptoms.
Dengue is caused by the bite of a mosquito Aedes aegypti. The bite of a mosquito that has already bitten the person having dengue fever causes the disease. The disease is not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person but it has to take a pathway from person to mosquito and then to another human being.
The tropic and subtropics are more risky for having dengue virus. The fast spreading reason can also be the returning or arrival of the persons from the areas where dengue is all around. In this way the virus is transferred from one area to another. Caribbean, Middle East, West Indies, India and U.S.A are the countries having the high danger of dengue.
Preventions can be taken to avoid dengue. As it is caused by mosquito bite, People shod use sleeping nets around their beds. Water is a substrate for mosquito, so all buckets and tubs must be kept empty and dry. Houses shod be swept regularly and all corners must be checked to see if there is any mosquito colony.  Mosquito sprays should be used on regular bases for having totally cleaned environment. Long pants and long sleeves should be put on so that the minimum body area is exposed and fewer chances are there for mosquitoes to bite.
As far as the treatment of dengue is concerned; it is a viral disease, so, there is no specified medicine or antibiotic to treat it. Only precautions can be measured to minimize the risk factors. So, the patient should be given complete rest. He should be kept under the mosquito net unless for the second fever to go down. The relief of the symptoms is treatment in this case. Aspirin should be taken under doctor’s supervision as to avoid the severe bleeding complications.
In some cases the disease goes to the worst form and sweating becomes endless; the dehydration occurs and death can happen. But it is only in the severe cases.
The research reveals the specific timings of mosquito biting; the high time is 3-4 hours after sunrise and the same after the sunset.
Medical history has many diseases which became titans in the respective ages and were found without any remedy. Not many long ago malaria kept man under its terror for several decades and the superior creature found himself quite helpless before this little creature called mosquito. The dengue case has very close resemblance with the malaria history. All herbal and quacks methodologies got failed to prevent malaria in the same way as the modern and the latest technology and the medical search is a big failure in suggesting any final remedy for dengue.
As coming back to Pakistan’s current situation; the scenario is the worst. Like other under developed and developing countries the supply is less than the demands. Medical facilities are unable to attend the enormous number of patients. The spacious rooms and wards seem congested and crowded. All hypothesis and suggested remedies seem ridiculous. The non serious attitude of the government and inter war of the politicians has turned the situation more coarse and it is causing agony and depression among common people.
How strange it seems that we are knocking at the door of the second decade of the 21st century yet seem so helpless before the viral diseases. We claim to conquer the space yet are unable to solve the earthly problems. We want to make another world in another planet by making all possibilities of life over there but are unaware of the fact that our own earthly planet is death and disease stricken.
Dengue virus is a big question mark in the face of the modern medical research and technology and the mankind once again is waiting for a messiah to come.
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Sunday 25 September 2011

Home Remedies for First Aid

By  Cynthia A Murray
When our forefathers needed First Aid, they didn't have a handy little box filled with all sorts of over-the-counter medications for any emergency. So what did they do?
Nowadays, we are so used to popping into the nearest pharmacy and finding what we need conveniently laid out on a shelf that most of us have forgotten the remedies used by our grandmothers, and their mothers and grandmothers before them. You might scoff at these remedies and dismiss them as old wives tales, and in some cases, you might be right. But don't be too quick to dismiss them. There are 'old-fashioned remedies' out there which most of us can find on our pantry shelves, and which really work!
Believe it or not, one of the most popular and trusted home remedies is the potato. From my own experience, I can tell you that potato remedies really work. My son is very susceptible to insect bites. When he was bitten by something (we think it was a spider) as a small child, the bite swelled up and became very inflamed. On the advice of his grandmother, I put a potato poultice on the bite, left it overnight (not easy to accomplish with a small boy!) and in the morning the swelling had gone down, and the bite was just a 'normal' red spot.
How does it work?
Anyone who cooks can tell you that potatoes have very powerful absorbing qualities. So, doesn't it make sense that they would be useful in any condition that requires the drawing out of toxins or other unwanted substances?
Potatoes have decongestant, soothing and anti-irritation properties. Also, because the potato juice is alkaline, it has an antiseptic effect, and the potato pulp is acidic, which helps in getting rid of dead skin cells.
There are different ways of making potato poultices (also called compresses). I am going to describe two of them, but you may find other ways. You could try different types of potato poultice and see which one works best for your problem.
1. Cold potato poultice.
Method 1:
Grate the raw potato, with or without the skins, spread it on the affected area, and place a gauze cloth or bandage over it to keep it in place. Or you may find it easier to spread the grated potato on a gauze pad first, and then tape the pad to the affected area. Some 'recipes' suggest adding a few drops of milk to the grated potato. I'm not sure what that's for, but if you don't mind the mess, do it, 'just in case'. Other recipes say you should sprinkle the potato with baking soda. Again, I'm not sure why, but it's worth a try.
Leave the poultice on as long as possible, preferably for 24 hours. You can replace it after 12 hours if you want to. When you remove it, you'll see that it has turned black.
Useful for:
  • acne
  • pimples
  • bruises
  • swelling
  • inflamed insect bites
  • boils
  • burns
  • any other skin condition that needs draining
The cold poultice can also be used to treat eye conditions (such as conjunctivitis symptoms, like redness and tearing, watery or thick discharge, a "night crust" or swollen eyelids), but in this case, leave the poultice on for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning and again in the evening for 2-3 days. After each session, wash the eyes with a weak solution such as 20% boric acid.
2. Warm potato poultice
Chop two unpeeled potatoes into 1 inch cubes, then boil and mash them. Spread the potatoes between two sheets of thick gauze (or one sheet folded over). Make very sure that it's not too hot by testing it with your hand, and then apply it to the affected area and use tape, a bandage or a towel to keep it in place.
Leave the poultice on until it gets cold.
Useful for
  • relieving congestion and inflammation
  • healing skin.
  • arthritis
  • eczema.
This is just one of the many home remedies available in your kitchen. I hope it has been useful to you. Look out for more articles on home remedies from your kitchen.
This article has given you some information on self help remedies for common minor health problems. If you are interested in self help pain management, you are welcome to visit my website
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Top 7 Tips for Back Pain Relief

By Derick Ng
One of the most common body pain problems we are facing lately is back pain. If you are having consistent backache issues that are intolerable at times, I believe you had caught up with the second most common neurological disorder - Back pain.
The occurrence of back pain can be due to many reasons. Start assessing the reason behind the pain and understand what are the causes behind it and why. As a matter of fact, back pain can be interpreted into more serious conditions such as herniated disc, spinal stenosis, spondylosisthesis, osteoporosis, or a tumor, hence it's important to find out what is the reason that is causing the pain.
Aside that, we've got 7 tips for you to relieve the pain in your back:
  1. Vitamin-D Muscle pain is one of the body pain issues that will result to unbearable backaches, probably due to vitamin D deficiency. One easy way to replenish your body with vitamin D would be exposing yourself to the sun and allowing your skin to absorb the UV rays. However people with darker pigmented skin will not effectively convert UV rays to vitamin D as compared to others.
  2. Yoga - Sign up for a yoga class to relieve back pain issues in just 16 weeks. The pain intensity, disability and reliance on pain killer medications will be significantly reduced.
  3. Massage Therapy - Go for a massage therapy if you are having lower back pains, especially for the women during pregnancy. Studies have proven that back massages will not only relieve chronic back pain, it can also effectively reduce anxiety and depression.
  4. Capsaicin Cream - Studies shown that capsaicin cream can effectively reduce pain by acting as an analgesic effect. As compared to placebo, capsaicin cream can reduce pain by 11% more when conducting on a double-blind study.
  5. Improving on Your Posture - Improving one's posture by eliminating bad habits such as slouching can help in reducing the pain, muscle tension on your back, and improve mobility. In our daily lives, we hardly pay attention to our sitting or standing posture and this eventually leads to muscle strain and adding stress to our spine.
  6. Acupuncture - Engaging in regular acupuncture sessions can effectively reduce back pain on a long run. Studies have shown that people who are regularly taking up acupuncture sessions will have a significant reduction in pain after a year of acupuncture. After two years, people who are still consistently receiving acupuncture might had been pain-free by then.
  7. Visit an Orthopedic Clinic - Seek for medical support if your back pain still persists after trying out the suggested remedies. It is advisable to seek for professional treatment if the pain is giving you symptoms that can be interpreted into serious health issues.
We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all body pains and sports injuries.
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Saturday 24 September 2011

6 Tips for Maintaining Good Health

By Greg Garner

A lot of emphasis is placed on maintaining good health today. However, with today's modern lifestyle becoming more and more lethargic or sedentary, remaining healthy has turned into an unending challenge. But stress not! Six tips to help you be healthy, both physically and mentally, are discussed below.

1. Eating the Right Food

Include lots of vegetables, fruits, cereals, grains, proteins, dairy products and lean meat in your diet. Avoid eating food that is high in fat or that is too salty. And make sure you include all necessary nutrients in your daily diet.

2. Exercise Regularly

This is an age old method of maintaining good health. However today, most people do not pay much attention towards a regular workout for their body. So listen up: if you cannot dedicate a sufficient amount of time daily to staying fit in an active manner, at least carve out 30 minutes from your busy schedule 3 times a week. Not only will your physical fitness improve, your feelings, i.e. your inner well-being will also be enhanced. In fact, healthy physical activities can help release a lot of stress in your body.

3. Laugh a Lot

Whenever you feel that you are undergoing excessive amounts of stress, you should take a break and find a reason to laugh. "Laughter is the best medicine," many say. This can help you find instant relief from your worries, and as a result, you should be rejuvenated and ready to get back to your regular grind after some good, clean fun.

4. Good Night's Sleep

Make sure that you complete get enough sleep to keep your body healthy and your mind working well. Doctors suggest that a person should have at least 8 hours of sleep in a day (even if it's broken down to 6 hours at night plus a couple long naps throughout the day). You should also find some time in between work and home projects to get some relaxation.

5. Maintain Healthy Relationships

This point may not seem to be significant to you but this is a crucial factor in helping you maintain good mental and physical health. When you have supportive and healthy relationships with your family members and friends, this helps in reducing anxiety and stress. Always make room for others to make mistakes and allow others to speak.

6. Drink a Sufficient Amount of Water

Make sure that you remain hydrated by regularly drinking water. Maintaining the water level in your system will mean that unwanted toxins are washed away. Avoid drinking soda or other beverages, and rely more upon fresh water or lemon juice.

By following these methods mentioned above, you can ensure that you are physically and mentally healthy. And a healthy body is going to mean that you can hopefully avoid a lot of unnecessary illnesses in future. Maintaining good health is not just limited to your physical well-being, it also originates from your inner well being. Hence, you also need to focus upon meditation, maintaining healthy thought processes and good relationships with others.

For more information, please visit our Operating Room Protocols website.

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Gaining Weight Workout Exercises

By  Megan Y.

Putting on the weight can be a real challenge. You have several points to consider in your weight increase regimen. You have to monitor what you're eating and drinking to make sure you acquire the proper nutrients essential for weight gain. You also have to agree to a weight increase exercise that's right for you.

You will need tolerance and control if you desire to boost your muscle mass through workout. The good news is that your putting on weight exercise program doesn't have to be costly. In fact, there are a number of physical exercises you can do within the comforts of your own home. These workouts don't call for costly gym-standard equipment.

Heel Raises and Dips

This is a simple physical exercise for your calf muscles. Stand with the balls of your feet on a step or a thick book. Gradually rise on your toes. Then little by little lower your heels as far as you can. Your hands should only be put to use for stability, not for aid.


This exercise routine is for your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and buttocks. Stand facing a 9- to 14-inch step, based on your tallness. Place your hands on your hips. Place your right foot in the center of the step, being sure that your right knee is directly above your ankle. Carefully raise your left foot while bending forward just a little. Next feel the topmost of the step with the ball of your left foot. Gradually get back your left foot to the surface. Repeat, then switch legs.


This physical exercise is for your buttocks and quadriceps. Begin by standing with your feet much wider than your shoulders and your toes heading forward. Steadily lower your body, bending at the knees and a little at your hips. Keep your back upright. Squeeze your glutes as you squat. Then straighten out your legs to return to your starting condition.


This exercise has two forms. For the first type, put your hands on the ground, a bit broader than shoulder width. Keep your feet together and your knees locked. Your elbows should be straight but not locked. Steadily bend your elbows to lower your body. Position your chest down to within an inch of the flooring. Always keep your body in a straight line throughout the motion. After that switch back up.

The second type is much like the first, but with your knees on the ground and your feet raised. Don't put your weight on your knee caps; instead, exert your weight just above them. You can use a pad to do this. Lower your body and elevate it back up. Keep in mind not to arch your lower back.

Gaining Weight Exercise Tips

Before each exercise routine, execute several stretches and warm-up physical exercises including running in place.
1-Pause for a minute or two among sets.
2-Work easily and steadily throughout the complete variety of muscles to prevent soreness and harm.
3-When utilizing your knees and elbows, you generally shouldn't fully straighten or lock them, because this will                create extreme strain to your joints.
4-In cases where you go through any discomfort while working out, stop straight away.
5-After your gaining weight exercise, repeat your warm-up workouts and stretches.

Discover how to gain weight the healthy way through performing cheap exercises from the comfort of your own home.

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Facts to Consider Before Water Tank Cleaning by: Charles

The gold standard for disinfection of water systems has for a long time been the use of free chlorine, usually provided by hypochlorite / DICD or similar product, at a concentration and duration prescribed by BS 6700 (the British Standard for Designing, Installing, Testing and Maintaining Water Systems). The standard details the use of 50 mg/l (ppm) for a contact time of 1 hour after which the level should be retested, with a minimum of 30 mg/l (ppm) indicating successful disinfection, and under 30 mg/l requiring a repeat dose. The majority of contract specifications for routine disinfection work / tank cleaning identify chlorine as the preferred disinfectant.

 BS 6700 also refers to ‘approved disinfectants other than chlorine’ and in recent years the use of biocides containing a blend of hydrogen peroxide and silver ions has increased dramatically. Benefits, amongst others, are said to include;

 Safe use

 Eco friendly

 Efficacy against a wide range of bacteria (including Legionella pneumophila)

 Removal of biofilm

 Cost effective

 One of the major benefits to both the client and water treatment contractor is that such biocides do not require neutralizing. Once the chemical is dosed at the required level it can be left in the system, is not harmful if ingested and breaks down to harmless environmentally friendly by products. This reduces disruption to site (less time without water) and reduces the overall amount of water wasted in the disinfection process.

 A word of warning, there is only limited peer reviewed evidence on the long term effectiveness of such chemicals, it’s approval for use in public supplies has recently been reviewed and silver has been implicated in a small number of cases where treated water has been used for medical procedures and silver has entered the blood stream.

 For more information please see the Tank Cleaning Services section on Nemco’s Website

About The Author 
Charles Nemco is an accomplished writer, whose niche areas of writing are sustainable resources, health and safety etc. Follow his articles. The author invites you to visit: 

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Thursday 22 September 2011

Awareness and Your Health By Joseph R. Byrd

What did you eat yesterday? How far did you walk? These questions seem simple, but many of us don't know the answer without really thinking about it. Why is this the norm for us? Well, we have a lot to do on a day to day basis and it is often a challenge to keep these things in the front of our minds. Work, errands and other tasks have become more important to us then what we do to maintain our health. Our minds and bodies have become afterthoughts and it is normal to go days, months, even years without consciously focusing on the way we treat ourselves.

Normal doesn't mean good. In this case, normal doesn't even mean ok. This is actually a real problem for us both as individuals and as a society. In this case, normal needs to change. We need to put our health higher on the list of priorities. You've heard me talk about this before and you will definitely hear me talk about it again. I think this is the more important thing we can do for ourselves and our families.

Awareness is the key. All we have to do is pay attention. You can try the next trend, new craze or take an old-school approach. You can seek professional help or go it alone, but the key component is increasing your awareness. Every day we do things out of habit that impact our lives significantly. One minute of eating can add enough calories to your day to cause weight gain.

One minute of planning can also prevent this from happening. That's right, it goes both ways. By being aware of what you want to do, you are able to start making decisions. These decisions will likely be healthy decisions because they are in line with your goals. If you don't have goals, you will have a tough time deciding what to do. So, set a goal and notice how your choices start to match the path you need to be on to reach that goal.

And that is what awareness can do for you. Just thinking about your health, you can positively impact it. You are in control. If you are driving a car your awareness as a driver keeps your hands on the wheel to make sure you stay on the road. Take the wheel in your life, pay attention and you will be on the road to good health.

Business Health Expert Joe Byrd uses his passion and expertise to bring business and health together. He integrates health education in lifestyle topics such as Stress Management, Weight Management, and Smoking Cessation into businesses in order to accomplish the following:
 Improving Employee Health
 Decreasing Health Care Spending
 Increasing Your Employee Productivity
 Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention
 Joe applies his craft in the business world by making health part of business strategy. As he helps companies invest in their employees, together they create healthy and successful cultures.

 Toll Free: 866.851.7961

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